by Jonathan Latham and Allison Wilson How should a regulatory agency announce they have discovered something potentially very important about the safety of products they have been approving for over twenty years? In the course …
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How Millions of Farmers are Advancing Agriculture For Themselves
by Jonathan Latham, PhD The world record yield for paddy rice production is not held by an agricultural research station or by a large-scale farmer from the United States, but by Sumant Kumar who has …
Continue readingRisk and Responsibility: Farming, Food, and Unconventional Gas Drilling
Michelle Bamberger and Robert E. Oswald (Photo credit: Marcellus Protest) Extraction of hydrocarbon gas from tight shale formations using horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing has been advertised as a path toward energy independence for the …
Continue readingSeralini and Science: an Open Letter
(Authors listed below) (Traduction Francaise) A new paper by the French group of Gilles-Eric Seralini describes harmful effects on rats fed diets containing genetically modified maize (variety NK603), with and without the herbicide Roundup, as …
Continue readingVitamin A Wars: the Downsides of Donor-driven Aid
Ted Greiner, Professor of Nutrition, Hanyang University, Korea (Photo Credit: Jon Orlando) Surely one of the most precious of human dreams is to become rich and famous by doing good for others. And what could …
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The American Chestnut Foundation Bails as GE Chestnut Develops Growth and Fertility Problems and Fails to Resist the Blight
by Anne Petermann of Global Justice Ecology Project Late on Friday, December 8th, the American Chestnut Foundation (TACF) announced they were withdrawing their support for the “Darling 58” (D58) genetically engineered American chestnut tree. After …
Continue readingPeter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance Has Hidden Almost $40 Million In Pentagon Funding And Militarized Pandemic Science
by Sam Husseini “Pandemics are like terrorist attacks: We know roughly where they originate and what’s responsible for them, but we don’t know exactly when the next one will happen. They need to be handled …
Continue readingEcoHealth Alliance Orchestrated Key Scientists’ Statement on “natural origin” of SARS-CoV-2
by Sainath Suryanarayanan of U.S. Right to Know Emails obtained by U.S. Right to Know show that a statement in The Lancet authored by 27 prominent public health scientists condemning “conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a …
Continue readingEngineered COVID-19-Infected Mouse Bites Researcher Amid ‘Explosion’ Of Risky Coronavirus Research
by Jonathan Latham, PhD University researchers genetically engineer a human pandemic virus. They inject the new virus into a laboratory mouse. The infected mouse then bites a researcher…..It is a plot worthy of a Hollywood …
Continue readingResearchers Are Substantially Undercounting Gene-Editing Errors, Concludes a New Paper
by Jonathan Latham, PhD The standard gene-editing tool, CRISPR-Cas9, frequently produces a type of DNA mutation that ordinary genetic analysis misses, claims new research published in the journal Science Advances. In describing these findings the …
Continue readingExtensive Chemical Safety Fraud Uncovered at German Testing Laboratory
by Jonathan Latham, PhD (Please note: this article contains disturbing content) The case of an animal rights activist who infiltrated an independent German chemical testing laboratory has triggered the discovery of an apparently extensive chemical …
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