By Dr. Gerry Goeden It’s true; about 50 percent of the fish we eat are farmed. There is good reason for this as, one by one, the world’s commercial fisheries collapse through overfishing. According to …
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Edward Snowden’s Testimony to the European Parliament on NSA Spying and its Consequences
Independent Science News has decided to reprint (1) in full the March 7th testimony of Edward Snowden to the European Parliament. Snowden’s testimony is vitally important for every citizen in every country to understand, yet it …
Continue readingThe Health Care Doctors Forgot: Why Ordinary Food Will Be the Future of Medicine
by T Colin Campbell, Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus, Cornell University Few issues have become so intensely debated and politically charged as the need to reform the health care system. This debate has resulted in …
Continue readingFakethrough! GMOs and the Capitulation of Science Journalism
by Jonathan Latham, PhD Good journalism examines its sources critically, it takes nothing at face value, places its topics in a historical context, and it values above all the public interest. Such journalism is, most …
Continue readingThe Founding Fables of Industrialised Agriculture
by Colin Tudge Governments these days are not content with agriculture that merely provides good food. In line with the dogma of neoliberalism they want it to contribute as much wealth as any other industry …
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